Monday, January 16, 2012

iPhone Web Development Becomes a Necessity

In the virtual world of Internet and electronic telecommunications, hardly has any time for the old technology will be replaced with the latest technology. Previously, web pages are designed to be compatible with desktop personal computers and lap tops.

Now people have started using the iPhone to access the Internet. When this happens, there are three possibilities, the website can not take on all web pages can be downloaded, but not the way that is normally displayed on your desktop PC or laptop, and the last option on the website and download properly be represented as they saw that the web site on a PC desktop or laptop. The last option is very rare, unless the website is designed specifically for that is compatible with the technology and hardware for the iPhone. The first two options are very common.

Some of the prominent reasons for improperly displaying Web pages on screen, the iPhone is as follows.

The website should be as light as possible. If you pull the web takes a long time, it not only plays with the patience of users, but also adds to the law. It is possible that because the user can jump to another web page. So, a website that is prepared for the iPhone should be as light as possible and remove the display device as quickly as possible.

In relation to the screen, laptop and desktop personal computers to the iPhone screen is much smaller. It is only natural that web page on the screen of the notebook and desktop computers will not be displayed in the same way on the screen iPhonea.Prikaz web page on the screen of any device depends largely on how it is formatted. So, when the website is designed to be compatible with the iPhone should be specifically designed for the way you should see the iPhone.

The keyboard on the iPhone is quite different from the keyboard for a desktop computer or laptop. In most models of the iPhone touch screen took place on the keyboard. It is obvious that the way of navigation in the web accessible via the iPhone will be drugačiji.Web site designed for the iPhone is compatible with the device must take into account the user interface technology used in iPhone, not a monkey navigation technology used in conventional PCs or laptops.

The graphics used on web pages should not be so severe that the downloading speed is slow, it takes a long time to download on the web stranici.Grafički views should be chosen carefully and should weigh as little as possible.

Operating system and platform for the iPhone is a very unique and different from that used in desktop computers and laptops. So, when the website is designed for the iPhone, the technology used to encode should be compatible with the operating system and platform for the iPhone.

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